Delo, november 2016
Rešitev MSP Mobilno poslovanje ni koristno zgolj za prodajo, z njim zelo veliko pridobijo tudi storitvene in servisne dejavnosti.
Servisiranje letal
Vzdrževanje bankomatov
Zaledna pisarna razporeja naloge skladno s pogodbenimi obveznostmi do posamezne stranke. Inženir na delovni nalog zabeleži postopek opravila za zadolženo nalogo oziroma opremo, porabo materiala in porabljene ure ter morebitne dodatne stroške. Stranka nalog podpiše na dlančniku v aplikaciji MSP.
Mobile Service Platform – perfect for every business
(Delo November 2016)
MSP, developed in IT company I-Rose from Laško, is a high technology environment, designed especially for fieldwork and it suits all kinds of business areas. Several Slovenian and foreign companies are using MSP to support their mobile sales, asset management, maintaining service, distribution, inspection and many other fields of work that is happening out of office.
Examples of good practice are showing that MSP is improving quality of communications among employees, increases business responsiveness and enlarges productivity.
In company Adria Airways Tehnika, their core business is aircraft maintenance, are using MSP for creating maintenance work reports, which are, after service is finished, immediately send to the customer and to the ERP system.
Dragan Ignjić, IT-caretaker for Adria Airways Tehnika said: “MSP changed the process of work almost instantly. We are recording growth of documented reports and we are very happy, that MSP is working flawless on field.”
Similar story follows the company Printec – their team is eliminating errors and do regular service on cash machines. In January 2016 they decide to swap paper work with MSP and results were instant.
Katarina Pečar, Printec analysts explains: “Buisiness effects are, after three quarters of the year, clear and very positive. Work is done quicker, there is less administratively work on service sight and saving possible complications is easier, information flow is fluid and that improves coordination and work of ERP system”.